Advantages of Family Dental Care
By: Dr. Rajan Sharma

A family dentist provides professional, up-to-date dental care for the whole family. Family dental clinics offer treatment that is multi-generational, from toddlers to seniors. This form of dental care helps ensure lifelong dental health by providing a full range of affordable dental care options.
From routine procedures and treatments to cosmetic dentistry, family dental care offers families many advantages.
Added Convenience
There’s a lot to be said about the convenience of one-stop shopping. This includes dental care. A lot of time is saved when the whole family can schedule dental exams and cleanings at one time at one clinic. Travel times are greatly reduced with same-day appointment scheduling. A family dental clinic works with busy schedules to make appointments at the most convenient times available. A quality dental clinic offers families options of routine dental care, but also treatments such as dental implants, braces, overlays and inlays, and teeth whitening.
Knowledge of Dental History
Having a dentist who is familiar with a patient’s dental history is vital to the early detection of dental problems, like gum disease or rotting and cracked teeth. Having easy access to both current and past x-rays is beneficial and allows for quick treatment. Knowing the patient’s history of bruxism or teeth grinding, gum loss, or malocclusion (misalignment of teeth) allows family dentists to provide the best solutions in dental care. When a dentist treats the whole family they develop trust as they gain knowledge of their patients’ dental histories. This is an essential part of good oral health.
Developing Relationships
There are many advantages to using the same dentist or dental clinic for all of your families dental needs. Having a personal relationship with any caregiver is beneficial and this includes oral health. Whether it’s the baby’s first dental exam, braces for the kids for a parent, trust is essential in the process. This relationship helps patients develop good dental hygiene habits that they will carry with them throughout their lives.
Continued Education
Dentists like to stay up to date on the latest developments in dental care. This includes education on preventing dental problems through proper dental care and learning about new treatments and procedures. Family dentists are trusted to relay this information and keep their patients informed on what treatments are available.
Preventive Dental Care
Regular prophylaxis or dental cleaning, x-rays and routine checkups are all a part of family dental care. Toddlers and small children have different issues than their older brothers and sisters or adults. Seniors have unique needs as well. A family dental clinic is prepared to meet challenges and treat all patients regardless of age.
Schedule a visit with a family dentist today!
Proper dental hygiene includes everyday tasks such as brushing, flossing, and rinsing with a mouthwash containing fluoride. It also includes regular dental visits. It’s important to schedule regular dental checkups, cleanings, and x-rays with your family dentist. Our professional partners at University Dental Associates are experts in this area, as well as in tooth extraction and repair, tooth replacement, and restoration. Schedule an appointment online today or call us at 800-250-3500.