What Are the Causes of Dental Implant Failure? Read Must

Author: Dr. Rajan Sharma

The purpose of a dental implant procedure is too restore the look and functioning of teeth. The bite is improved to better aid chewing and digestion. The mouth is restored so patients can smile fully and feel better about their appearance. People considering have single or multiple tooth, or full jaw All-on-4 dental implants, have […]

Dental Diseases That Can Dim Your Smile

Author: Dr. Rajan Sharma

Believe it or not there are a lot of things besides neglect that can dim your bright smile. From gingivitis to extreme dental phobias, many varying diseases have caused individuals  to cover their mouths in shame. Here are a few diseases we’ve found some of our patients suffer with that caused them to seek dental […]

Nutrition and Oral Health

Author: Dr. Rajan Sharma

Nutrition and oral health are related more than anyone could imagine. This is why dentists advise Americans to include certain food in diet to prevent oral problems. In today’s article, we outline the impact of good nutrition on dental hygiene. Why Nutrition is Important for Americans’ Dental Health? Millions of Americans are affected by oral […]

Improved Oral Hygiene and New-Onset Diabetes Relation

Author: Dr. Rajan Sharma

Relation Between Diabetes and Hygiene Improved oral hygiene and new-onset diabetes are linked more than we thought. Brushing teeth three times a day or more can lower the risk of developing diabetes by 8 %.  On the other hand, dental disease can lead to a 9% increased risk of developing diabetes. Relation between improved dental […]

Quick Tips to Whiten Teeth

Author: Dr. Rajan Sharma

“Mirror Mirror on the wall”“Who has the whitest teeth of all” Tips to whiten the teeth is something Snow White might be searching on the internet in 21st century America. 80 percent of Americans believe healthy teeth are important to achieve success in life as per a survey done in 2015. Wanting is one thing […]

Wisdom Tooth Removal Recovery in Details

Author: Dr. Rajan Sharma

Wisdom Teeth removal is one of the safest and common dental surgeries in America. According to the reports, every year estimated 5 million Americans undergo the wisdom tooth removal procedure. It’s a procedure to remove the third set of molars which appears between the age of 17 and 25. Most Americans possess at least one […]

Where Did the Tooth Fairy Come From?

Author: Dr. Rajan Sharma

Many of us grew up believing in the tooth fairy. Yes, as children we believed a tiny magical imp visited us the night after we lost one of our baby teeth. We put the tooth under our pillow and this dental pixie gave us cold hard cash in exchange. Not a bad deal. The tooth […]

10 Myths About Root Canal Treatment

Author: Dr. Rajan Sharma

We are here with 10 root canal myths that you should let go completely. Perhaps no two words in the English language can send a shiver down the spine faster than root canal. While people may refer to root canal therapy in this shortened form, the root canal is a part of the tooth itself. […]