Paying for Dental Implants: How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

EON Clinics accepts a wide variety of payment options, making it easier than ever to get your new smile.

Patient inquires about full mouth dental implants costWe understand that the cost of dental implants may seem like a large investment. Whether you’re considering single, multiple, or full jaw implants, EON Clinics accepts a variety of payment options. We’ll assist you with the entire process, making it as easy as possible to pay for your implants.

1. How Can I Pay For Dental Implants?

To make it convenient to pay for dental implants, we offer several payment methods. The following payment types are accepted in all five of our locations:

If you have questions about any of these payment options, don’t hesitate to call us at 800-250-3500.

2. Does Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Though certain dental insurance plans do reimburse portions of the implant procedure, Medicaid, Medicare, and state/county insurances (such as BadgerCare and CountyCare) do not cover dental implants. Private dental insurance plans may cover certain aspects of your procedure such as anesthesia, tooth removal, and bone grafting. Occasionally insurance plans may cover a larger portion of the procedure. It’s best to contact your dental insurance provider or discuss this during your free consultation.

3. What Insurance Covers Dental Implants?

If you are interested in using your insurance to pay for your dental implant procedure, we can contact your specific insurance company during your free consultation and inquire if dental implants are an elective they cover. Please be advised, if you have dental implant insurance you will receive your coverage in the form of reimbursement.

4. Can I Finance Dental Implants?

Patients who qualify for financing may receive a whole new smile before making a single payment. Learn more about our financing partners by clicking below:

Lending Club for dental implants insurance

CareCredit for dental implant insurance cover

Proceed Finance dental implants covered by insurance

If you want to read about financing before your consultation,
you can visit the LendingClubCareCreditGreenSky, and Proceed Finance websites.

Schedule a Free Dental Implants Consultation

You owe it to yourself to learn more about this life-changing investment. Schedule your free consultation today, so you can decide if dental implants are right for you!